Frequently Asked Questions

When can My child Enroll?

Students may enroll at any time, space permitting. We accept children as young as 18 months. Our program extends through 6 years of age, with many of our students continuing on to our Elementary program on the same campus. We encourage any Montessori child to begin at approximately 3 as that is a time of great development which Montessori can facilitate.

What is Montessori?

Montessori is an educational philosophy and curriculum developed by educator Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 20th century. You can learn more about this philosophy on our website, HERE

how widespread is montessori?

There are more than 22,000 Montessori schools in at least 110 countries worldwide.

What is in the montessori classroom

Montessori is designed completely around the child; meaning child-sized equipment. Careful selection of materials by the teacher creates an environment where the child can explore life on a gradient of increasingly difficult ideas. The materials and exercises are designed to stimulate independent exploration through a prepared learning environment which entices the child to proceed at his own pace. Through this self-guided study, a child will find satisfaction and success in his exploration and learning of the world around him. The five main areas of curriculum focus on Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, and Cultural Subjects. Many other subjects are included: drama, nature studies, art, music, science, dance, etc. 

What is the role of the teacher?

 A Montessori teacher oversees a classroom. She will watch the feeling of pride and success grow in each child as they improve in their “work” and become more competent at increasingly difficult concepts. She helps the child to learn about themselves through the “work” and become excited about the new discoveries ahead.

What is the role of the parent?

We love parent participation! Participation is welcomed through involvement in conferences, making materials, parent workdays, and volunteering during outings. We believe that if the parent fully understands the works and experiences at school, they can create a more consistent home environment for the child.

what is your tuition?

Tuition rates can be found HERE.

is this a religious school?

No. Little Laurels Montessori is an independent, secular school, open to all religious faiths. The school’s policy is one of respect for the religious beliefs of others and nothing of a religious nature is required of students or families.

Do you accept students with “behavior problems” or “learning disabilities”?

At this time we do not have a program to best serve this community, although we have sometimes found that children can be mislabeled. For some, a basic Montessori teaching method can be all that is required to get the student back on track.